The intention and acceptance of the purchase contract. : Development of trading laws from the past to the present in Thailand.
Intention, Acceptance, Trading lawsAbstract
Presently, since the technology is modern, the purchasing goes faster which causes the various and complicated the contracts of purchasing. This causes the problems of the contracts forms. Therefore, the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code could not response to that changing which caused the uncertain right of the parties. Moreover, this affected to the parties' intention which is deeply significant. Since the intention and right are the main rules of the purchasing contract. The contract offers the advantages for both sides of the seller and the buyer hence there will involve conveyance, purposes of purchasing, property, and payments. Therefore, the contract should include the causes and the intention of purchasing. Nowadays, there is the Electronic Transactions Act B.E. 2544 (2001) supporting
the former Act. to show the intention in the field of electronic. This Act is legislative except with family transaction and heritage transaction. In contrary, there are some problems from the purchasing contract even there is the Electronic Transaction Act. There are some limitations of making contract; the format of the contract, regulation, and the mistake of the offer and the answer. Consequently, Thailand should prove these all problems which using
the undifferentiation with the Knock Out Rule. Besides that, the format and the evidence of the contract should be freedom. Moreover, the format of the contract should be changed from the former format, the paper one should be electronic form, the license should be approval through the electronic system. Consequently, there should be the law which serve with the period of time.
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