Legal Measures to Promote Industrial Factory’s Participation in Natural Resources and Environment Conservation


  • Police Sub-Lieutenant Pasin Yothachan Doctor of Laws Student (Law), Pathumthani University,


Legal Measures, Industrial Factory’s Participation, Natural Resources and Environment Conservation


The purpose of this research being to study about the background and the problem of natural conservation and environment. The legal action related to concerning the promote industrial factory’s participation in natural resources and environmental conservation. A case study of comparing styles and legal measures of Law in Thailand and foreign countries. Then we have analyzed the problem and the obstacles on the part of conservation of natural resources which is related to take part the industrial environment. The documentary research in the analytical study. The research collected from the law, regulation, researching report, thesis, manual, the proceeding and another document which was related and the analysis used the data from the topic of destinated.

          The research was conducted by the method of the Qualitative Research. The result of studying showed that the problem and obstacles are involved in the promote industrial factory’s participation in natural resources and environmental conservation is the law is not specific. Thus, it has to be a specific law which set out the detail and guidelines clearly to promote to encourage participation in the preservation of the natural resources in industrial. And establish rules to solve the problems and to reduce the confliction clearly.

          The useful suggests that the industrial should study the impact or effect on the environment and people health who live nearby, the need for antipollution measures. To prevent and resolve the problem that arises. They should listen to the people’s opinion and set up a relatively generous programme from community and released the information result of the dangerous pollution from the industrial. In addition the pollution control include the data of problem for the pollution due to coordinate and plan to launch with the authorities concerned to solve the problem should do step by step efficient and have the best effective performance.


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How to Cite

Yothachan, P. S.-L. P. (2019). Legal Measures to Promote Industrial Factory’s Participation in Natural Resources and Environment Conservation. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(2), 357–380. retrieved from



Research Articles