The Management and the Service User’s Satisfaction at the King’s 84th Birthday Anniversary Sport Complex


  • Oam To-aj Lecturer of Bangkokthonburi University


The objective of this research was to study the effective management at His majesty the king’s 84th birthday anniversary sport complex and to study the satisfaction of the customers at His majesty the king’s 84th birthday anniversary sport complex. This research uses a mixed method approach with an exploratory sequential design. The subjects in this research were consisted of the sport club manager and his assistant at His majesty the king’s 84th birthday anniversary sport complex. The instruments an interview form with 4m’s of marketing and the marketing mix questionnaire were used in this research. The data was characterized using means, standard deviation, and content analysis. Overall research results were high at 3.86 out of 5.00. The highest ratings were at 4.12 (Price), and the lowest raking were at 3.49 (Promotion).


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How to Cite

To-aj, O. (2019). The Management and the Service User’s Satisfaction at the King’s 84th Birthday Anniversary Sport Complex. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(2), 13–18. retrieved from



Research Articles