Wellness Tourism Innovation Management on Sustainable in the North Eastern of Thailand


  • Nava Masaunjik 0862208356
  • Piyawan Yangkham
  • Pornwadee Ruksasri
  • Kotchanipa Wanichkittikul
  • Auscharaporn Chalermchit


Wellness Tourism Innovation Management, Tourism Sustainable


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study wellness tourism innovation management on sustainable in the North Eastern of Thailand and 2) to test wellness tourism innovation management on sustainable in the North Eastern of Thailand. Collecting data from 335 tourism business entrepreneur in the North Eastern of Thailand and a set of questionnaires were the research tool. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed the following findings; 1) tourism business entrepreneur had opinions about wellness tourism innovation management both in general and in each aspect at a high level, and tourism business entrepreneur had opinions about tourism sustainable both in general and in each aspect at a high level. 2) wellness tourism innovation management consists of new product, new process, new service, new from of organization, new markets, and human capital development had positive influence on tourism sustainable.



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How to Cite

Masaunjik, N., Yangkham, P. ., Ruksasri, P. ., Wanichkittikul, K. ., & Chalermchit, A. . (2020). Wellness Tourism Innovation Management on Sustainable in the North Eastern of Thailand. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(2), 493–508. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/229593



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