Relationship between Thai Politics and Political Reforms Trends : Study in Phetchabun


  • ธันย์ชนก ขุนบำรุง Journal of Research for Development Social and Community, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • ศุภชัย คล่องขยัน Journal of Research for Development Social and Community, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • พงษ์เมธี ไชยศรีหา Journal of Research for Development Social and Community, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Thai Politics, Thai Political Reform.


This research aimed to study 1) Levels of relationship between Thai politics with trends political reforms: study in Phetchabun. 2) To find relationship between Thai politics with trends political reforms: study in Phetchabun. The sample size used the table of Crecy and Morgan. The sample consisted of 500 peoples from a total population of 995,498 peoples. The instrument was uestionnaire and analyzed with statistical software were frequency (Frequency) Percent (Percent) Average (Mean), standard deviation (Standard Deviation) and correlation analysis. (Correlation) The research results were found as follows; 1. Levels of relationship between Thai politics with trends political reforms: study in Phetchabun. The overall level of hostility (X =3.69, S.D.=0.424), differences between the two conflicts (X =3.65, S.D.=0.427), the competitive situation (X =3.73, S.D.=0.407), goals (X =3.75, S.D.=0.457), the situation reverses (X =3.78, S.D.=0.463) and strategies (X =3.85, S.D.=0.532) to enter politics in Thailand is high level. Promising political reforms Thailand, elected Member of Parliament (X =3.81, S.D.=0.473), the election and the selection of a member of the Senate (X =3.73, S.D.=0.432), for the prime minister (X =3.95, S.D.=0.492), the constitutional court (X =3.97, S.D.=0.504), an independent organization (X =3.87, S.D.=0.532) in high level the same. 2. To find relationship between Thai politics with trends political reforms: study in Phetchabun; (1) Political relations between Thailand and the total hostility of the parties (0.701), the situation reverses (.751) and. Strategic combat (.869) with a trend toward political reform in Thailand elected Member of Parliament (.703). (2) Relations between Thailand politics, the total hostility of the parties (.358), goals (.614), the situation reverses (1.103), strategic battle (.536) with a trend toward political reform Thailand, the election and the selection of a member of the Senate. (.706). (3) Relations between Thailand politics, differences between the two conflicts (0.340), the level of competition (0.653), the situation reverses (.975) and strategic of battle (.486) with a trend toward political reform Thailand, for the prime minister. (.704). (4) Relations between Thailand politics, political differences between the two conflicts (0.412), the level of competition (.725) and goals (.620), the situation reverses (.775) and strategic battle (.430) with a trend toward political reform Thailand, the constitutional court. (0.703). and (5) Relations between Thailand politics, differences between the two conflicts (1.272), the level of competition (0.549), the situation reverses (.394) and strategic battle (.484) with a trend toward political reform Thailand, an independent organization. (0.704).  


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How to Cite

ขุนบำรุง ธ., คล่องขยัน ศ., & ไชยศรีหา พ. (2016). Relationship between Thai Politics and Political Reforms Trends : Study in Phetchabun. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 3(3), 86–99. Retrieved from



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