A Community Management Community-based Culture in Sing Buri Province


  • Angkana Udompan Ph.D. Student (Public administration) Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thiphaphon Phimphisut Faculty of Political Science (Public administration), Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngamphit Satsa-nguan Faculty of Political Science (Public administration), Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Varatchaya Sirivat Faculty of Political Science (Public administration), Ramkhamhaeng University


Community Administration Employing, Community-based Culture


In this dissertation, the researcher investigates (1) the conditions of community administration operationally employing community-based culture through procedures and the integration of cooperation between the public, the private sector, and civil society in Sing Buri province. The researcher also determines (2) factors exerting effects on success in community administration using community-based culture in Sing Buri province. Finally, furthermore, the researcher presents (3) operational guidelines and community administration in the case under consideration. Adopting a mixed-methods research approach, the researcher applied this approach in three steps as follows: In Step One, the researcher employed a qualitative research methodology, whereas in Step Two, a quantitative research methodology was utilized. Furthermore, in Step Three, the researcher again used a qualitative research methodology. Insofar as concerns the qualitative phase of research, the researcher first employed the purposive sampling method in collecting germane qualitative data. This allowed the selection of a target population. In selecting two groups of subjects, the researcher then employed the snowball sampling method. Accordingly, forty subjects were selected for the purposes of conducting in-depth interviews with them, while ten subjects were selected as focus group discussants. As qualitative research instruments used for collecting data, the researcher used a questionnaire, an interview form, an observation record form, and a behavior record form. The data thereby collected were subsequently analyzed using content analysis. In the quantitative phase of research, the researcher used a questionnaire as a research instrument to collect quantitative data from 400 representatives of six districts in Sing Buri province in order to confirm the findings based on qualitative data. In selecting this sample population, the researcher made use of the multistage random sampling method. Then, using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed the data collected in terms of frequency, percentage, mean (M) and standard deviation (SD). Multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) was also used by the researcher. Statistical significance was set at the .05 level. Findings are as follows: 1) The operational conditions of community administration using community-based culture through procedures and the integration of cooperation between the public, the private sector and civil society in Sing Buri province were in consonance with relevant concepts and the direction for thedevelopment of the country toward sustainability as based on the principles of the sufficiency economy. Mobilization was also in accordance with the Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021). Internal strength was fostered so as to prevent risk factors the society would have had to face in view of current changes. In addition, the foundations of the province were reinforced in various aspects as based on the Sing Buri Province Development Plan (2018-2021). 2) Causal factors exerting effects on the success of community administration using community-based culture consisted of the roles of the public sector, the private sector and civil society in accordance with Principle No. 1. The result was that the community depended on itself, was strong, and showed good health conditions as based on the standards (basic minimum needs). The success of community administration using community-based culture was found to be positively directly influenced by the role of civil society at the highest level. The influence value was at 0.492. Next in descending order was the role of the private sector which received positive direct influence from the role of civil society carrying the influence at 0.470. The role of the private sector was positively directly influenced by the roles of the public sector and civil society with the influence value at 0.372. 3) Operational guidelines for community administration using community-based culture in Sing Buri province consisted of support from the public sector, the private sector, the civil society and the self-administration of the community subsumed under the concept of “Eat Well, Live Well, Be Happy.” 


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How to Cite

Udompan, A., Phimphisut, A. P. D. T., Satsa-nguan, A. P. D. N., & Sirivat, A. P. D. V. (2019). A Community Management Community-based Culture in Sing Buri Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(1), 325–338. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/211482



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