The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Web using an Educational Game about “Final Consonants” of Department of Thai Language for Prathomsuksa 2


  • Suksan Satachon Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Computer-based Lesson, Computer-assisted Instruction, Educational Game


This research aimed to (1) develop computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game about “final consonants” of Department of Thai Language, (2) compare pre-test score and post-test score of students who learn through computer-assisted instruction on web and students who learn through a regular teaching plan, and (3) study a satisfaction of students on computer-assisted instruction on web. A sample group was Prathomsuksa 2’s students in second semester of academic year 2013, RajabhatMaha Sara kham University Demonstration School, Muang District, Maha Sara kham Province. The sample group was selected by using a cluster random sampling. The sample group consisted of 28 students who studied via computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game. Tools used in the research were (1) Computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game, (2) An objective achievement test with 20 items, and (3) Students’ satisfaction surveys on computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game. Statistics used in the research were percentage, means, standard deviations, and t-tests.

          Results of the study found that (1) the efficiency of computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game about “final consonants” of Department of Thai Language for Prathomsuksa 2 was at 79.25/82.14 which was consistent with the efficiency 80/80 set criterion, (2) the comparison of students’ achievement on computer-assisted instruction on web using an educational game about “final consonants” of Department of Thai Language for Prathomsuksa 2 was higher than pre-test at statistical significance level of.01, and (3) the students’ satisfaction level was at a high level with the total average of 4.66, and the standard deviation of 0.51.


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How to Cite

Satachon, S. (2019). The Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Web using an Educational Game about “Final Consonants” of Department of Thai Language for Prathomsuksa 2. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(1), 253–264. retrieved from



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