Cultural meaning communication and dynamic of exorcising ritual of the Tai Puan of Banphue, Banphue Sub-district, Banphue district, UdonThani province
Cultural meaning communication, Dynamic of exorcising ritualAbstract
The objective of thisarticle is to study ritual dynamics and the cultural meaning of ritual practiced
by villager at Tai Puan of Banphue, Banphue Sub-district, Banphue district, UdonThani province by using
the culture and meaning of Clifford Geetz because the villager believe in wretchedness and worship
to holy spirit very much. Data collected by field survey, Interviews, participant observation and has been
presented as descriptive analysis. The results of the study are as follow. The results of this research found that the ritual can be categorized by its structure and
component into four categories. They are 1) ritual for eliminating wretchedness, 2) ritual for long live,
3) ritual for fortunate, and 4) ritual for movement of Rahu.All four of them are combination of TaiPuan
belief and native northeastern people’s belief. The native people are Buddhism and Hinduism.
The study of the cultural meaning of ritual by villager at Tai Puan of Banphue, Banphue Subdistrict, Banphue district, UdonThani province shows that each element of ritual has its own meaning and
concern about human, supernatural and produces social power. Furthermore it can be used as a tool for
community to live in peace and order, not panic with wretchedness. It can also be used as measure to
establish courage and unity of people. Therefore, the worship to Holy Spirit will be conserved and
transferred to the new generation of Tai Puan of Banphue community.
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