The Model of Health Behavior Promoting among Primary Hypertension patients without Causes in Nong Khai Province


  • Boonchauy Moolasarn Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


The Model of Health Behavior Promoting among Primary


The objectives of this study were to survey the factors affecting health behavior promoting among primary hypertension patients, to design a model of health behavior promoting among primary hypertension patients, to try out and evaluate the model of the health behavior promoting. The research methodology was divided into three steps: Phase 1, the quantitative research method was employed for casual factor analysis. The samples were two hundred and forty primary hypertension patients from nine districts in Nong Khai province. The instrument was a questionnaire. The research statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. LISREL was used for structural equation analysis with the.05 level of statistical significance. Phase 2, the qualitative research method was employed to design a model of the health behavior promoting among primary hypertension patients through a focus group method including a brain storming approach. The target population was twenty experts in health behavior promoting. And phase 3, the model was tried out with fifty primary hypertension patients and evaluated by comparing the results before and after using the model. The significant differences of the results were determined by MANOVA (Repeated Measure). Results of the research were as follows : 1) The finding showed that the factors affected health behavior promoting of the primary hypertension patients were recognizing the chance of primary hypertension risk (0.40), knowledge of primary hypertension (0.38), benefits of prevention and treatment (0.28) and recognizing the seriousness of primary hypertension (0.17). The factors affected significantly the health behavior promoting among primary hypertension patients at the.05 level. 2) The health behavior promoting for the primary hypertension patients consisted of 5 activities: primary hypertension training, giving advice about getting exercise and health food for the patients, and primary hypertension diagnosis. 3) The finding indicated that the health behavior promoting among primary hypertension patients after using the model was better than before using the model.


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How to Cite

Moolasarn, B. (2019). The Model of Health Behavior Promoting among Primary Hypertension patients without Causes in Nong Khai Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(1), 11–22. retrieved from



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