Online Students Statistics Report System in 3-D Bar Graph on Google Earth


  • ภัทราวัลย์ คำปลิว Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • วิโรจน์ ทวีปวรเดช Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Google earth, KML, bar graph, 3-D, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham


This research aims to develop a web application for reporting students statistics of Rajabhat Mahasarakham in a 3-D bar chart to show the number of the first year students for each faculty in the academic year of 2554-2555. The developed application can present the result in both the provincial and district boundary of Roi Et , Kalasin , Khon Kaen and Mahasarakham provinces. The system was designed to work online by using KML language to display on the mapping service of the Google Earth so the 3-D bar graph will be always rendered by the recent data. The proposed web application will provide useful decision support information in the easyto-use 3-D graph for faculty using to plan and choose the right area for public relations.


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How to Cite

คำปลิว ภ., & ทวีปวรเดช ว. (2013). Online Students Statistics Report System in 3-D Bar Graph on Google Earth. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 1(1), 90–94. retrieved from



Research Articles