การพัฒนารูปแบบการอบรมเลี้ยงดูเด็กปฐมวัยของผู้สูงอายุ ในศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็กขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล


  • ทัศนีย์ นาคุณทรง Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • ประสพสุข ฤทธิเดช Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • สุชาดา หวังสิทธิเดช Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • บงกชรัตน์ ศุภเกสร Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • วารินทร์ทิพย์ ศรีกุลา Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Child Care Center, elders


The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze early childcare models for the elders in childhood development centers 2 to develop an early childcare model for the elders, and 3) to evaluate the model. The research methodology consisted of three phases: Phase 1: Analysis of needs and models of early child care development for the elders This phase focused on problems analysis and models of early child care development through documentary study. The study showed that four early child care models for the elders were composted of ten items of physical development, 9 items of mind development, 11 items of social development and 9 items of moral development. The IOC index of the training topics and objectives assessed by the experts was .84. The data were collected by interviewing three hundred and forty five elders, and the finding showed that the lowest level of the early child care was an intelligent development and moral development The activities of the intellectual development were composed of using visual aid, folktale and local toy (X = 1.48), and the activities were used for the intellectual development were telling folktales, reciting verse ( X = 1.14 ). The activities of moral development emphasized on the local toys available in community (X = 1.46). Phase 2: Design and development of early child care training model for the elders The child care training models consisted of three sets: two sets of the intellectual development for early childhood consisted of lullaby, imaginary world, telling folktales and reading books, and one set of the moral development for the early childhood consisted of local materials and toys. In addition, the study showed that the average level of the appropriateness of early child care training model assessed by the experts was very high (X = 4.61). Phase 3: Implementation of the training model The early child care training model was organized for twenty five elders, and the training model was evaluated by the experts and trainees. The finding showed that the average level of the appropriateness of the model assessed by the elders was very high (4.65, S.D. = .50). Regarding the follow-up of the application, it was found that the elders made the toys from local materials. In addition, the lullaby and tales were always used more for childhood development.


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How to Cite

นาคุณทรง ท., ฤทธิเดช ป., หวังสิทธิเดช ส., ศุภเกสร บ., & ศรีกุลา ว. (2013). การพัฒนารูปแบบการอบรมเลี้ยงดูเด็กปฐมวัยของผู้สูงอายุ ในศูนย์พัฒนาเด็กเล็กขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 1(1), 80–89. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/211348



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