Ethnic Groups and Political Participation Development


  • Phawat Phattananikorn D.P.A. (Public Administration) Student, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration


Political Participation Development, Ethnic Group


The political participation development of ethnic communities is a process
leading to development and provide public services among community members
which is phenomenon for creating the democratic citizenship that is appropriate for
culture-based community; (1) Creating the responsibility for creating community
leaders by take responsibility for other members in community as presentative,
responsibility of members. (2) Creating the citizenship, the spirit of community is to put
into action anything for community, it is the key principle of citizen creation in
democracy society, and (3) Creating the civil society. The opinion reflection from needs
of community, this represents the interaction between the public and community
members in protecting public interests against both parties that community could be
able to changes the structure or way of working suitable context, and it is satisfying for
government agencies importance which leads to the strengthening of small societies
by using national culture, native species of their own to live in a democratic society as


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How to Cite

Phattananikorn, P. (2018). Ethnic Groups and Political Participation Development. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 259–266. retrieved from



Research Articles