The application of theory in international investment


  • Thanomsilp Jankanakittikul Lectuer of Finance Program, Faculty of Business Administration Khonkaen University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Kriengkrai Namnai Lectuer of Finance Program, Faculty of Business Administration Khonkaen University


Application, Foreign Investment Theory, Advantage


International investment is a part of driving the global economy. At present,
many businesses and entrepreneurs are investing in doing business abroad. There are
many factors that make the decision to invest in that country. The study of foreign
investment theory. It should also learn about foreign investment theory as it affects
economic policy. Investments in both government and private sectors. The result of
this study is the concept of international investment theory. Learn about education.
Foreign Investment research case study of foreign invested companies. Then applied to
the theory of international investment.


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How to Cite

Jankanakittikul, T., & Namnai, A. P. D. K. (2018). The application of theory in international investment. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 249–258. retrieved from



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