Approach for Developing the People’s Democratic Political Culture, Chum Phae Municipality Area, Khon Kaen Province


  • Dr. Pongmetee Chaiseeha Lecturer of Doctor of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Northeastern University


Political Culture, Democracy


This Research aims to find the approach to developing the people’s democratic political culture, Chum Phae Municipality Area, Khon Kaen Province. This research is the qualitative methods used in-depth interviews from 9 key informants in Chum Phae Area, Khon Kaen Province with purposive sampling. Data collection tool were in-depth interview and analysis of data by deduction method the findings indicated that; the development of a Democratic Political culture is a collaborative effort. Family institution Educational Institutions and Political Institutions must join in political training for new generations in the community to learn and understand the principles of democracy properly. Family institution, must train their children to have good habits to promote good democracy. The Educational institute is responsible for conveying correct theories in both the classroom and school activities. And finally, the political institutions to serves both to educate and to be on access for the people to learn how the political institutions operate in each category. If all three institutions are fully implemented, the development of democracy within the community will be useful. 


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How to Cite

Chaiseeha, D. P. (2018). Approach for Developing the People’s Democratic Political Culture, Chum Phae Municipality Area, Khon Kaen Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(2), 105–118. retrieved from



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