Development in Marketing Information Systems for Promotional of Mae La Snake-Head Fish Products, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province


  • Orawan Tangtong อาจารย์ประจ าคณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตร


Marketing Information Systems, Satisfaction, Mae La snake-head fish, One Tambon One Product


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop marketing information system
for the promotional of Mae snake-head fish products, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri
province. 2) To evaluate user satisfaction in marketing information system for the
promotional of Mae La snake-head fish products, Bang Rachan district, Sing Buri
province. 3) To pass on marketing development knowledge for the promotional of
Mae-La snake-head finish products, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province. Samples
used in this research consisted of (1) 10 entrepreneurs, (2) 2 Sub-district Administrative
Organization officers selected by purposive sampling method, (3) 100 users visiting the
website developed to promote Mae-La snake-head fish, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri
Province selected by accidental sampling method. The research used In-depth
Interview, group discussion and questionnaires which were professional approved with
reliability of 0.842. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean
and standard deviation.
The research found that 1) the development of marketing information system
supported the promotional of Mae-La striped snake-head fish products, Bang Rachan
District, Sing Buri Province in term of accessibility and tool for data storage, searching
and product collocation 2) Sample’s satisfaction in marketing information system for
the promotional of Mae-La snake-head fish products, Bang Rachan district, Sing Buri
province was at high level. 3) The development of information system for the
promotional of Mae-La snake-head fish products, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri
Province was able to pass on marketing knowledge to Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri
Province as it encouraged participation among community to develop and bring in
income to the community itself


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How to Cite

Tangtong, O. (2018). Development in Marketing Information Systems for Promotional of Mae La Snake-Head Fish Products, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(2), 253–266. retrieved from



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