The Development of Documentary Inspection Process and New Student Identification Number Completion case study Office of Academic Promotion and Registration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


  • Patcharee Phoobun-im The academician of Academic Promotion and Registration Office, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Development, Document Inspection, Reporting, Enter Code


This research aims to (1) to study the process of checking documents and filling
out the new students ID, (2) to improve document review procedure and new student
ID, (3) to provide guidance to the development process to check the documents and
to fill out a new student ID, and (4) to evaluate the improvement approach. This
research was held at the Office of Academic Promotion and Registration Rajabhat
Mahasarakham University. Target population was 10 people; 1 expert, 3 office
executives, 4 office workers, and 2 involved. The instrument emphasizing on Focus
Group discussion. Primary and secondary Data was collected by using data triangulation
technique and to ensure the confidence of the information. The data was analyzed by
content analyzing and SWOT analysis. The research result found that;
1. The problem, document Review Procedure and New Student ID; It was found
that the traditional system. The process of document review, reporting, and filling of
new student IDs. Although it is completely accurate. Less error. And can group classes
as taught. But the procedure is complicated and requires resources. And a lot of
operating time. Because of the volume of documents. And the number of students
who will need to check and fill in the student identification number is a lot. This
affects the Student ID search query. And student release due to lack of evidence of
delay. And it also affects other related processes as well.
2. The improve Document Review Procedure and New Student ID; It was how to
develop procedures, procedures and procedures for verifying the student report and
student identity code. There should be a change in the procedure of issuing a
traditional student identity. This will issue student IDs. After the student report has
been completed. Use the new student identification code. Is to carry out student
identity code before proceeding to receive student report. By using information
technology to help fill in the new student identity via the Internet. Instead of filling in
the new student code by hand. And for every new student to record personal
information with a file of evidence through the Internet.
3. The provide guidance to the development process. To check the documents
and to fill out a new student ID; to the agency may need to set policy. And work plan
About the New Student Recruitment and Recruitment Report Let's stay in the same
period. And there should be opportunities for people to develop new insights into the
new working system. To be able to solve problems related to the use of information
technology system by themselves, to increase the technology development, to
facilitate the work and to develop new systems to the process of electronic document
4. To evaluate the improvement approach. Document Review Procedure and
New Student ID; It was found that the way to improve. The process of checking the
documents and filling in the new student ID Can reduce operational steps. Reduced
operational time, reduced operational resources, increased work efficiency. Reduced
redundancy, but there are weaknesses and limitations in many areas, so it may be
necessary to study additional protocols or approaches to reduce vulnerabilities and
limitations. They also need to study ways or opportunities to change the work plan
within the office in line with the University's new admissions policy. It must take into
account other factors. To achieve the most complete.


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How to Cite

Phoobun-im, P. (2018). The Development of Documentary Inspection Process and New Student Identification Number Completion case study Office of Academic Promotion and Registration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 1–20. Retrieved from



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