Lessons from Sam Kok (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) for Gen Z Life Management


  • Nittaya Maneewongse Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Bansomdej Chaopraya Rajabhat University


Sam Kok, Life management, Gen Z


The rapid development of Technology is impacting lives, economic, and social dimensions.  A significant change is the transition from traditional systems to digital technology that has become the primary tools currently.  This makes self-management for the digital transformation extremely important for those entering the new workforce, particularly Gen Z.  Even the existing groups; Gen X and Gen Z remain in the workforce. The interaction between Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z is challenging in the workforce.  The various ages and work styles can tend to be misunderstandings and obstacles.  This article aims to extract life lessons from Romance of the Three kingdoms (Sam Kok), a timeless classic Chinese novel to pursue the human nature insight.  To apply these principles to Gen Z’s self-management, will develop critical thinking skills and strategies for survival in the workplace.  Finally, it would encourage and achieve the goals.


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How to Cite

Maneewongse, N. (2024). Lessons from Sam Kok (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) for Gen Z Life Management. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 23(2), 106–121. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/279857


