Job Satisfaction Affecting Work Efficiency Of Support Staff At A University In Nonthaburi Province


  • ศิริลักษณ์ จันทร์ควง Student EXC MBA RU
  • Tongfu Siriwongse


Job satisfaction, Affecting work efficiency


     The objectives of this independent study were to 1) study job satisfaction of support staff at a university in nonthaburi province 2) study affecting work efficiency of support staff at a university in nonthaburi province 3) study efficiency classified by personal factors in work efficiency of support staff at a university in nonthaburi province and 4) study job satisfaction affecting work efficiency of support staff at a university in nonthaburi province. The research instruments were a questionnaire sample used in this study were 125 personnel of support staff at a university in nonthaburi province. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation. Test assumptions with T-test and F-test values, comparing pairs. and multiple regression analysis.

     The results of the study revealed that 1) job satisfaction among academic support staff at a university in Nonthaburi province is overall at a high level. 2) The overall performance of academic support staff at the university in Nonthaburi province is also at a high level. 3) The performance, categorized by personal factors such as gender, age, marital status, monthly income, and status, differs significantly. However, there is no significant difference in the performance of academic support staff at the university in Nonthaburi province based on these factors, with a significance level greater than 0.05. When considering specific aspects such as quality, quantity, time, and cost, except for education level and duration of employment, there are differences in performance among academic support staff at the university in Nonthaburi province, and these differences are statistically significant at a significance level less than 0.05 in terms of cost and quality. 4) Job satisfaction in terms of job success, working conditions, and advancement opportunities is statistically significant at 0.000* and 0.012*, both of which are less than 0.05. This indicates that job success, working conditions, and advancement opportunities significantly impact the performance of academic support staff at the university in Nonthaburi province.


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