Knowledge management on the development of community kitchen learning resources with participatory, food security, basic economic development and self-reliant villagers way of life


  • Bussakorn Chantewanumas Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Thipwari Songnok Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Knowledge Management, Development of learning resources, Food security, Grassroots economy, Local wisdom


The purposes of this research were: 1) Bring the knowledge from the research on the participatory community kitchen learning development model to transfer to Ban Non Khoi Community, Nong Phluang Sub-district, Chakkarat District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province 2) Organize activities to promote knowledge and develop careers from the wisdom of local food and herbs to raise the grassroots economy and 3) Develop a local curriculum on food wisdom and local herbs from community kitchen learning resources. The research methodology was participatory action research, A target group was purposively selected and consented to participate in the research project. There are 2 target groups participating in the operation: 1) community leaders, village scholars, villagers in Ban Non Khoi community, villagers in other communities and those affected by the COVID-19 crisis total of 100 people and 2) teachers and students as Wat Nong Phluang School, 63 people. A questionnaire was used to collect data and analyze the data with descriptive statistics.

            The results of the results showed that the participants were satisfied with their participation in knowledge transfer activities. Received a career promotion as a plant and herb processing product in the community kitchen forest 6 menus that are unique to the Non Khoi community, including Indian Gooseberry ice cream, Indian Gooseberry chili sauce, Crispy fried noodles herbs, Crazy Snacks, herbal compress balls and pickled shoots. To preserve local food and herb wisdom, generate extra income and upgrade the grassroots economy. As for organizing activities integrated local curriculum, food wisdom and folk herbs. Can be linked to 4 learning subjects, including social studies, arts, careers and technology, and science for Wat Nong Phluang School. Participants were satisfied with the overall average of all activities at a high level.


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