The Development and Improvement of Operational Processes of the Management and Human Resource Section at the College of Sports Science and Technology, Mahidol University


  • Phatjira Rattanee
  • Yommana Paisanpattanasakul
  • Kamonnicha Kaewsalong


Expectation, Satisfaction, Management and human resource section


This quantitative research aimed to 1) study clients’ expectation and satisfaction from services of the management and human resource section (MHRS), the College of Sports Science and Technology (MUSS), 2) compare expectation and satisfaction from services of the MHRS in male and female clients, and 3) propose the development and improvement of operational processes of MHRS. A questionnaire was used to collect data from eighty-five full-time staff at MUSS as clients of the MHRS. SPSS was applied for statistical analysis. Data were presented as mean ( ), percentage (%), and standard deviation (SD). Results indicate that        1) MUSS staff’s scores of expectation of MHRS’s services in each issue were in “high” levels, including process of services ( = 4.07, SD=0.47), staff on duty ( =4.03, SD=0.52), facilities of services ( =3.58, SD=0.56), and quality of services ( =3.64, SD=0.54). However, the MUSS staff’s scores of satisfaction of MHRS’s services were also in “high” levels, including process of services ( =4.14,SD=0.47), staff on duty ( =4.10, SD=0.48), facilities of services              ( =3.79, SD=0.51), and quality of services ( = 3.77, SD=0.55), 2) there was no statistically significant difference between male and female MUSS staff who got MHRS’s services in each issue, including process of services, staff on duty, facilities of services, and quality of services, and 3) the suggestion for the development and improvement of MHRS’s operational processes was to apply effective IT systems for all operations.


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How to Cite

Rattanee, P. ., Paisanpattanasakul, Y. . ., & Kaewsalong, K. . . (2023). The Development and Improvement of Operational Processes of the Management and Human Resource Section at the College of Sports Science and Technology, Mahidol University. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 22(1), 75–91. retrieved from


