A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Scientific Literacy Model’s General Science Student Teachers at Rajabhat University in Thailand.
Scientific Literacy, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, General Science Student TeacherAbstract
Scientific literacy is a crucial need for understanding the phenomenon and problem-solving of general science student teachers and necessary to prepare for work in school. This research developed a model of scientific literacy for general science student teachers at Rajabhat University, which consisted of 4 components, namely scientific attitude, understanding the nature of science, scientific inquiry ability, and application of science to contexts, including 12 indicators. It aimed to confirm the model with empirical data. The samples were 400 second-year general science student teachers of 16 Rajabhat Universities, selected by two-stage random sampling. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire with 36 questions. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The research finding revealed that the four elements confirmed the model of scientific literacy components’ general science teacher students. The model was confirmed by the second-order CFA, in which the factors were consistent with empirical data (Chi-Square=55.201, df=43, p=0.100, relative Chi-Square =1.284, GFI=0.978, AGFI=0.961, NFI=0.987, RMR=0.006, SRMR=0.0251, RMSEA=0.027). In addition, the standardized scores loading of four components were in the range of 0.788-0.860, the AVE was in the range of 0.746-0.878, and the CR was in the range of 0.898-0.951. The highest score loading was the scientific inquiry ability, followed by understanding the nature of science, application of science to context, and scientific attitude (standardized scores loading 0.860, 0.826, 0.8925, and 0.788, respectively). These results were employed to develop a scientific literacy test for assessing general science student teachers at Rajabhat University’s skills and develop an instructional model for promoting their abilities.
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