Information Seeking, Opinions Toward Content Marketing and Perception of Marketing Communication Strategies through Instagram Platform on Clay Tile Products of Consumer Group


  • Orathai Hoklong Master’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi
  • Sahaparp Porkatong Advisor: Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi


Information Seeking, Content Marketing, Marketing Communication, Instagram Platform, Clay Tile


This research aims to study information seeking, opinion toward content marketing and perception of marketing communication strategies through Instagram platform on clay tile products of consumer group. 400 samples who sought information on clay tile.

 According to the study's findings, 400 participants. There are 263 females. The amount of people spend the most time seeking information between 2:01 P.M. to 8:01 P.M. are 204 persons. The most prevalent content of their information-seeking is to seek information while purchasing products, with 109 people. different professions have different content when seeking information about clay tile products on Instagram platforms, which is to study basic information about products and services the most.

The hypothesis testing results with F-test statistics using the One-way ANOVA method, it was discovered that the sample group with profession and perception of marketing communication strategies about clay tile products through the Instagram platform, and for the products, the hypothesis test results with statistical F-test by One-way ANOVA method at the statistical significant level of 0.05, revealed that the Sig. of the perception of marketing communication. platform is equal to 0.000, Thus, the H0 hypothesis is rejected, and the H1 hypothesis is accepted, indicating that various professions perceive marketing communication strategies regarding clay tile products differently through the Instagram platform. The overall product aspect is statistically significant at the 0.01 level, with a positive correlation.


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How to Cite

Hoklong, O. ., & Porkatong, S. . (2023). Information Seeking, Opinions Toward Content Marketing and Perception of Marketing Communication Strategies through Instagram Platform on Clay Tile Products of Consumer Group. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 21(2), 74–88. retrieved from


