Content Marketing Exposure and Information Expectation on Facebook Page Platform of Digital Customer Segment ation of Thailand Steel Industry Business


  • Panaporn Leksungnearn Master’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi
  • Siripong Teopipithporn Advisor: Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi


Content Marketing Exposure, Information Expectation, Steel Industry Business, Facebook


The purpose of this research is to study the content marketing exposure of steel industry business through the Facebook Page platform of digital customers, as well as information expectations about steel industry business through the Facebook Page of digital consumers.

 According to the study's findings, 400 participants, The research discovered that people with 2 - 4 years of work experience have the highest exposure to content marketing about steel industry business through the Facebook Page platform of digital customers, with 209 people, representing 52.3%. People who have the objective of receiving content marketing, which is to study the basic information about the product the most, are 138 people, representing  34.5%. with a high correlation coefficient ( r)   of 0.9


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How to Cite

Leksungnearn, P. ., & Teopipithporn, S. . (2023). Content Marketing Exposure and Information Expectation on Facebook Page Platform of Digital Customer Segment ation of Thailand Steel Industry Business . Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 21(2), 63–73. retrieved from


