Information Exposure, Expectation, Image Perception Throug Social Media Online and Decision to Study Vocational College in Chonburi Province


  • Kaewkarn Lertwitthayakul Master’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi
  • Pariya Rinrattanakorn Advisor: Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University at Chonburi


Exposure, Expectation, Social Media, Image Perception, Decision


The purpose of this study is about information exposure, expectation, image perception through social media and decision to choose a private vocational college in Chonburi province by using a quantitative research method. The sample group used in this research consists of 400 social media users living in Thailand. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The statistics used are percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA analysis and Pearson correlation.

The findings reveal that 1) social media users have an overall moderate amount of exposure to information through social media of a private vocational college in Chonburi province with a mean of 0.53. The most information exposure is about sales information using employees on social media, followed by social media marketing promotion and public relations through social media, and the least in direct marketing through social media. 2) Social media users have a high overall expectation on the usage of social media of a private vocational college in Chonburi province with a mean of 3.9; YouTube carries the highest expectation, followed by Tik Tok and Twitter respectively. 3) Social media users have a high level of image perception through a social media platform of a private vocational college in Chonburi province, with a mean of 4.15. They have the highest image perception on the reputation of the organization, followed by the image perception on students’ qualities, and the least in image perception on curriculum. 4) The overall level of social media users choosing to study at a private vocational college in Chonburi province was high, with an average of 4.09. The decision was made through social media channels, with the Facebook Page helping the most in making decisions, followed by TikTok and Twitter respectively.


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How to Cite

Lertwitthayakul, K. ., & Rinrattanakorn, P. . (2023). Information Exposure, Expectation, Image Perception Throug Social Media Online and Decision to Study Vocational College in Chonburi Province. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 21(2), 1–15. retrieved from


