A Synthesis of Researches Related to Teaching and Learning Innovation for the Development of Learning Achievement in Social Studies, Religion and Culture Subject Group for Considering Research Identification Affecting Effect Sizes of Elementary School St


  • Narongwat Mingmit Faculty of Education Bansomdej Chaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Chollada Pongpattanayothin Graduate School BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Touchakorn Suwancharas Graduate School BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Luxana Keyuraphan Graduate School BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University


Research synthesis, Instructional innovation


The research objectives were; 1) to study research characteristics on innovation fordeveloping learning achievement social religion and culture subject Group of elementary school students through of : meta –analysis, and 2) to compare the research characteristics affecting to the effect size. The 36 experimental research reports published in 2008 –2020 were synthesized. The research instruments were the recording form of research characteristics and the research evaluation form. There were 36 effect sizes calculated by using Glass’s method. The research characteristics consisted with 2 components with 21 variables. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, the analysis of effect sizes means, and analysis of variance.

The research results were as follow; 1) Research reports on innovation to develop learning achievement are the most studied in the B.E. 2552. The most popular field of study was curriculum and instruction. The majority of research had total pages about of 151 to 200 pages, excluding appendices had 51 to 100 pages. 2) The research characteristics affecting to effect size 2.1)The aspect of content component, the variables that could explain statistically significant at the .05 level the difference of effect size were 5 variables; research objectives , theory ,number of theory, learning model, and instructional learning. The effect sizes mean ranged from 0.02 to 7.57, 2.2) The aspect of research methodology, the 8 variables that could explain statistically significant at the .05 level the difference of effect size were; type of research hypothesis, number of research hypothesis, sample size, sample selection process, experimental research design, number of research instruments, duration of experiment and types of statistics. The average of effect size ranged from 0.02 to 7.57. The 6 variables couldn’t explain the difference of effect size, the number of dependent, independent variables, level of sample size, types of research instrument, types of reliability and research quality score.


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How to Cite

Mingmit, N. ., Pongpattanayothin, C. ., Suwancharas, T. ., & Keyuraphan, L. . (2023). A Synthesis of Researches Related to Teaching and Learning Innovation for the Development of Learning Achievement in Social Studies, Religion and Culture Subject Group for Considering Research Identification Affecting Effect Sizes of Elementary School St. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 21(2), 16–30. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/269980


