A Supporting Program of Animation Screenwriting Using an Ontology Knowledge Base to Improve Synthetic Thinking


  • Panadda Jaiboonlue Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


Animation Screenwriting, Developing Synthetic Thinking, Developing a Support Program


     The objectives of this research to 1) develop and design a knowledge base on animation screenwriting ontology 2) develop and design a supporting program of animation screenwriting using an ontology knowledge base to improve synthetic thinking 3) assess the effectiveness of a program. The sampling group in this research used purposive random sampling method.  The group is 45 Thai undergraduate students, 5 experts in computer and digital media and 5 experts in ontology technology. The tool for this research follows as: 1) Appropriateness assessment form of Knowledge Structure by animation screenwriter experts . By this form calculated for the Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) is 0.5, 2) Appropriateness assessment form of ontology by ontology technology expert. The form calculated for the Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) is 0.5, 3) User Satisfaction Survey of a supporting program of animation screenwriting using an ontology knowledge base to improve synthetic thinking and this calculated for the Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) is 0.73, and 4) a supporting program of animation screenwriting using an ontology knowledge base to improve synthetic thinking.

    The results found that the assessment of the appropriateness of the knowledge structure from 5 animation screenwriters experts. Assessment through coefficient of conformity (IOC) was found to be at a high level (  = 3.57). For evaluating aspects of the ontology design to implement in the program. Assessment through the coefficient of conformity (IOC) was found to be at a high level (  = 4.06). And the aspect of satisfaction using the supporting program of animation screenwriting. Assessment through coefficient of conformity (IOC) was at the highest level (  = 4.51).


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