Development Guidelines of Persuasive Communication for Administrators in Special Education Centers Network Group 9th


  • Ratchanee Jomsri


Persuasive Communication, Development Guidelines, Special Education Center


The research purposes were 1) to investigate current and anticipated circumstances and analyze the need index for persuasive communication for administrators, and 2) to examine persuasive communication development guidelines for administrators. The research methodology can be separated into two phases: Phase 1 was to assessed the actual and predicted conditions, as well as the persuasive communication index for administrators. There were 129 participants in the sample group. The study tool was a questionnaire with an Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) value of 0.80–1.00, the reliability of 0.94 as for the current condition, and reliability of 0.91 as for the expected condition. Phase 2 was to investigate persuasive communication development guidelines for school administrators which included in-depth interviews with 9 senior specialists. The acquired information was described through content and descriptive analysis.

          The findings revealed that 1) the overall current level of persuasive communication for administrator was at a high level. The desirability of persuasive communication among school administrators was at the highest level and the requirement rate for persuasive communication development of school administrators was between 0.10 - 0.35. 2) the development of persuasive communication among school administrators, the finding revealed that welfare and trustworthiness factor contained a total of five development guidelines, dynamic factors contained a total of five development guidelines, and the expertise contained a total of four development guidelines.


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How to Cite

Jomsri, R. . (2022). Development Guidelines of Persuasive Communication for Administrators in Special Education Centers Network Group 9th. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 20(2), 32–46. retrieved from


