Guidelines for Academic Administration in Small Schools Of MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1


  • Pitchada Pangduang
  • Chayakan Ruangsuwan


Academic Management, Development Guidelines, Small Schools


The objectives of this research were 1) To study elements of academic administration in small schools 2) To study the current condition Desirable conditions and the need for academic management in small schools. 3) To study the guidelines to develop academic management in small schools. Phase 1 study the current situation, Desirable conditions. and Necessary Needs From the sample group, 106 schools were divided into 106 schools administrators and 482 teachers. Sampling using a stratified random sampling method. The tool was a questionnaire. The Item Objective Congruence Indecx (IOC) value 0.80–1.00. The present condition had a confidence value of 0.88, a power of discrimination between 0.26 - 0.68 and a desirable condition had a confidence value of 0.89 and a power of discrimination was between 0.28 - 0.75. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Priority Needs Index. Phase 2: Study the approach to the development of academic management in small schools using interview forms. Interview 9 senior experts and use descriptive analysis.

                The results of the research were as follows: 1) The academic management elements in small schools as a whole are optimal. 2) The current condition included in moderate. The overall desirable conditions are: The required demand prioritization index is between PNImodified 0.37 - 0.45. 3) The development approach is appropriate as a whole to the highest level and the overall feasibility is very high. Found 22 development guidelines. The results of the assessment showed that it was the most appropriate and possible at a very high level.


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How to Cite

Pangduang, P. ., & Ruangsuwan, C. . (2022). Guidelines for Academic Administration in Small Schools Of MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 20(2), 17–31. retrieved from


