Non-destructive Image Processing Technique and Rule-based Classification in Estimating the Quality of Fruit
Fruit Quality Estimation, Image Processing Technique, Rule-based ClassificationAbstract
This research aims to study and apply image processing technique and rule-based classification to non-destructively estimate fruit quality by using the guava-kimju as a case study. This research analyzes the relevance of the color characteristics of fruits image to its taste and characteristics of the flesh.
The research presents the image processing technique using the RGB model, by specifying the color name according to the ISCC-NBS system into 8 color groups and making a rule-based classification to classify relevance of color features to the guava’s taste and to its flesh.
The results showed that, The rule-based classification in classifying the relevance of the color to its flesh is more accurate than that of the relevance of the color to its taste. The accuracy rate of the rule-based classification in classifying the relevance of the color to its taste and the classification of the relevance of the color to its flesh is 63.33% and 86.67% respectively.
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