The Relationship Between Welfare Management and Quality of Working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District Prachuap KhiriKhan Province Officers


  • Piyanuch Tuncharoen Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Saran Thitaree Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


Welfaremanagement, Qualityof working life, Wangpong Subdistrict


     The research is quantitative method purposes were to 1) to study the level of  welfare management and quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province officers 2)to compare quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province by individual factors.  and 3) to study the relationship between welfare management and quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province officers. The Population were included 105 Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization officers.Thesamplessize included 84 officers. Sampling by stratified random and simple random Data were collected using 5-point rating scale questionnaire and checklist, and were statistically analyzed in percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-distribution, one way ANOVA and correlation Coefficient.

The findings revealed as follows.

  1. The welfare management for Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization officers was reported to be generally found in moderate, and quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization officers was reported to be generally found in moderate.
  2. Those officers had factor on differ gender, ages, duration of work,division,had quality of working life at not significance level but education level had the different quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province at significance level.
  3. The factors, With clear criteria, not against the law, Thoroughly, Equalization,

provides continuous were positive impact and high related to quality of working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization officers at significance level .01.


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How to Cite

Tuncharoen, P., & Thitaree , S. (2020). The Relationship Between Welfare Management and Quality of Working life of Wangpong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Pranburi District Prachuap KhiriKhan Province Officers. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 19(1), 117–128. retrieved from


