Development of Learning Resources for the Bachelor of Education Program in Early Childhood Education at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


  • Naiyatip Teerapuk Kasetsart University
  • Pongsatorn Mahavijit
  • Nataya Pilantananond


Learning resources, Participatory Action Research, Early Childhood Education


The purposes of this research were 1) to collect learning resources based on the analysis of the needs of the instructors in the Bachelor of Education Program in Early Childhood Education at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 2 ) to evaluate the collected learning resources. The population in the research consisted of eight instructors in early childhood education Program at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, and twenty-four experts who were recruited  through the purposive sampling. The data came froma focus-group interview form about the needed learning resources in the Bachelor of Education Program in Early Childhood Education ,an individual interview about thelearning resources forthe early childhood education program,      five-point scale questionnaire about the quality evaluation of the learning resources. The analysis of data used the frequency, average (), the standard deviation (S.D) and the content analysis.

The research results showed that: Regarding the types of learning resources, types of media networking systems that weremost needed by the instructors are documents /online documents / or books / online books such as articles, journals, teaching materials, research, video clips and images or interesting websites.The criteria for the selection of learning resources must take into account the suitability, safety, appropriateness, convenience of useand usefulnessrespectively.The results of the collection of the learning resources by using the participatory action research framework and the analysis of the main conceptsin the course descriptions, resulting in 28 courses with 471 topics.  The experts evaluated different quality aspects of the learning resourcesand reached thehighest level of agreement (based on five-point scale) for the collections of the learning resourcesin every course in the Bachelor of Education Program in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Teerapuk, N., Mahavijit, P. ., & Pilantananond , N. (2020). Development of Learning Resources for the Bachelor of Education Program in Early Childhood Education at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 19(1), 83–91. retrieved from


