The Development of Packaging for Goat Meat Processing Product in Nakhon Sri Thammarat


  • Nittaya Maneewongse Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


packaging development, environmental packaging, design


          This study of goat meat packaging development A case packaging product process in Nakhon Si Thammarat obtained the applicable benefit to the local community to create the identification of the product efficiency.  This is survey research by using the purposive sampling 3 Experts in packaging design and the accidental sampling 80 consumers.  Data were collected by interview and questionnaires.  The statistical analysis included percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          Result from 1) the experts were viewed that the holistic of goat meat packaging development in Nakhon Si Thammarat in the good rank with the mean of 3.23.  They satisfied the packaging prevention at the high level as 3.33 point average.2)Result of the customers’ perception of consumers in Nakhon Si Thammarat acknowledged about the effect of environment but they had remaining with high cost of product if it would care with environmental preserves, meanwhile result of the customers’ satisfaction was showed that the processing goat meat packaging development was efficient into three patterns; A pattern design was at good level with the mean of 4.80, B pattern design was at good level with the mean of 4.27, and C pattern design was at good level with the mean of 4.19 based on four aspects of product protecting, packaging, simplify and promotion.


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How to Cite

Maneewongse, N. (2020). The Development of Packaging for Goat Meat Processing Product in Nakhon Sri Thammarat. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 19(1), 93–99. retrieved from


