Marketing Factors Affecting Consumer’s Electric Vehicle Purchase Decisions in Prachinburi Province: A Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis
Electric vehicles, purchase decisionsbehaviour, Market FactorsAbstract
This research deployed quantitative research method with the objective of aim of studying battery electric car buying behaviors; Consumer’s needed and marketing factors affecting Consumer’s buying decisions, and equation for predicting Consumer’s purchasing decisions. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 samples by Quota, the method
such as Descriptive Statistics were used to analyze these information which include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and reference statistic is multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that the majority of purchase decisions vehicle was convenient and safe to travel, family and himself were affect to electric vehicle purchase decisions, the internet is their main option for more information. Important reason for making a purchase decision to buy electric vehicle because of saved fuel costs.The characteristics of electric cars that want to buy a medium size 46.30 percent, a small size27.70 percent and alarge size 26.00 percent. Quick charging at the charging station no more than 20 minutes 43.30 percent,15 minutes 36.00 percent and 30 minutes 20.70 percent. Consumers will decide to buy cars with price 500,000 - 700,000 bath43.40 percent, less than 500,000 bath36.00 percent and more than 700,000 bath20.60 percent. The hypotheses testing found that Beautiful car shape and convenient(x1-1)affecting Consumer’s electric vehicle purchase decisions at the statistical significant level of .05.The general equation was:Y = 2.118+0.336 x1-1.Factors could predict the consumers’ decision making at 4.5 percent.
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