Knowledge Synthesis of Articles in Rajabhat Chiang Mai Research Journal according toLocal Development Strategy of Rajabhat University to Develop Online Research Encyclopedia


  • Khontaros Chaiyasut Research and Development Institute, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Knowledge Synthesis, Rajabhat Chiang Mai Research Journal, Local Development Strategy of Rajabhat University, Online Research Encyclopedia


This study has objectives to 1) synthesize knowledge of article in Rajabhat Chiang Mai Research Journal according to local development strategy of Rajabhat University and 2) develop Online Research Encyclopedia. Samples are212 articles published in Rajabhat Chiang Mai Research Journal for 10 years from 2009-2018. Research tools are1) knowledge record of research articles  and2) quality evaluation form of Online Research Encyclopedia by experts and testers. Preliminary data analysis is conducted by using descriptive statistics while content analysis is used for synthesizing quantitative research.

From the knowledge synthesis, 4 areas of knowledge are obtained as follows;1) economy,.2) society, 3) environment, and4) education. These knowledge are used to develop Online Research Encyclopedia. From the system development, a database of Online Research Encyclopediais designed and developed via the web application by using php with Mysql. An operation of the web application consists of 4 parts which are 1) Webserver, 2) Google Maps API, 3) Mysql Database, and4) TML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and HTML5 Canvas.Internal work flowchart consists of 4 parts which are1) show all data,2) search, 3) show spacial data, and 4) Loin for Admin. From the test and quality evaluation of Online Research Encyclopedia in terms of Utility, Feasibility, Propriety, and Accuracy, the level of every party is high and practical. In addition, it is beneficial and systematically categorized knowledge can be used to develop and be references. The system is practical, suitable, elegant, and correct. The content of knowledge is reliable and creditable. These result in the innovation to develop knowledge for local research with more efficiency.


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How to Cite

Chaiyasut, K. . . . (2020). Knowledge Synthesis of Articles in Rajabhat Chiang Mai Research Journal according toLocal Development Strategy of Rajabhat University to Develop Online Research Encyclopedia. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 19(1), 21–35. retrieved from


