Rajabhat University Library Services for Local in the Digital Era


  • Julaluck Wihong สาขาวิชาการจัดการสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


Rajabhat University Library, Information Services, Digital Age Information


The purpose of this research was to study the needs of users towards the services of the northeastern Rajabhat University libraries in the digital era. The sample consisted of 400 people in the municipality area who live in the municipality and outside the municipality where the northeast Rajabhat Universities are located. The material used for collecting data was questionnaire and statistics used in data analysis consisting of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that the needs of users of Rajabhat University libraries for localization in the digital age in all 4 areas were lifelong learning promotion, respondents wanted the most in information services regarding self-service of information resources through online system (average 3.66). Regarding information services, in the development of quality of life, respondents had the highest level of demand for information services, including application services for health care and exercise to increase health literacy and information services about rights and welfare that the public should receive by linking data from the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security by providing services via QR-code technology and library web links (mean 3.72). Regarding local information services, respondents wanted the most information services, which were meteorological and climatic information services for local users, to alert the weather forecasts during the day or the amount of dust in the air such as rain weather, or floods in various areas through mobile applications (mean 3.47). In the conservation of local information wisdom, respondents wanted the most information services consisted of information service on arts and culture and local wisdom by digitizing information resources of local knowledge to digital format (Digitization) in order to conserve and preserve resources in the long run (mean 3.41). 


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How to Cite

Wihong, J. . (2020). Rajabhat University Library Services for Local in the Digital Era. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 19(1), 11–19. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/244417


