Management in Accordance with Good Governance Principles Affecting Effectiveness of Sub-district Municipalities in Nonthaburi Province
Good Governance, Administration, Effectiveness of the MunicipalityAbstract
The purposes of this research were to: 1) Study the level of management of Good Governance in the Sub-District Municipalities. 2) Study the effectiveness level of the Municipalities. 3) Study Management in Accordance with Good Governance principles affecting effectiveness of Sub-District Municipalities in Nonthaburi Province. The samples used in quantitative research were 321 employees in 11 Municipalities Nonthaburi, The data collection was done by using survey questionnaire. Analysis of data was done by using package program for social research. Statistics used were percentage, means, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Whereas in the qualitative method, an in-depth, semi-structured interview was conducted with the samples or 11 executives of the data was analyzed by content analysis and was presented in the form of descriptive essay.
The results were as follows:
- Overall Management of Good Governance was at high level. Individually, it can be ranked from high to low as follows: Rule of Law; Morality; Responsibility; Cost–effectiveness
or Economy; Accountability; Participation, respectively. - Overall effectiveness of the Sub-district Municipalities Sub-District in Nonthaburi Province was also at high level. Individually, it can be ranked from high to low as follows: The ability to create satisfaction; Organization Development; Internal process; results of the operation; and Procurement and resource allocation.
- The Management According to Good Governance principles that affect the effectiveness of the Municipalities Sub-Districtin Nonthaburi Province. Can predict the effectiveness is 78.10% with the statistical significance level of 0.05
กรุงเทพฯ: ผู้แต่ง.
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