A study of Standard Khmer Language Morphology in Linguistics


  • หงษ์ลดา กล้าหาญ สำนักนโยบายและแผนกลาโหม กระทรวงกลาโหม


The word classes of the Standard Khmer language, The morphological process consists of the Standard Khmer language



        This research has 4 objectives 1) to study the morphemes of Standard Khmer Languages 2) to study the syllable word Standard Khmer Languages 3) to study the morphological process Standard Khmer Languages and 4) to study the word classes of the Standard Khmer language, official usage, the data was collected  from 10 native speakers  who were over 50 years old and living in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Kingdom of Cambodia, The study was conducted in structural and descriptive linguistics approach.

        The findings of the study found that 1) the morphemes of Standard Khmer Languages consist of free morphemes and bound morphemes. 2) the syllable word Standard Khmer Languages,3types consist of Monosyllabic word, Disyllabic word, and Polysyllabic word.  3) morphological process consists of Standard Khmer Languages 12 morphological processes.and4) the word classes of Standard Khmer language. The expected benefits of this research are to know the morphological, The syllable word, The morphemes, The syllable word, The morphological process, The word classes of Standard Khmer language, The make use of social language in Phnom Penh.


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How to Cite

กล้าหาญ ห. (2018). A study of Standard Khmer Language Morphology in Linguistics. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 17(2), 171–187. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/166825


