Application for Integrating Tourist Information of U-Thong District, Suphanburi Province using GeographicInformation System
application, geographic information systems (GIS), integrationAbstract
The objectives of this research are (1) to develop an application to integrate tourist information of U Thong district by using geographic information systems (GIS) to navigate to tourist sites; (2) to facilitate tourists in the tourist information of U Thong district; and (3) to apply the mobile phone and internet technology to benefit the tourism of U Thong district. The research tool is questionnaire. The research samples are 124 tourists using GIS to travel to U Thong district, Suphanburi Province. The statistics used for data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation and the development of the application system through the mobile phone.
The findings are as follow; (1) application development for integration of tourism information of U Thong district using geographic information systems (GIS) to navigate to tourist sites is very effective. The application works accuracy according to user's instructions. (2) The application can facilitate tourists in the information of U Thong district. The design is beautiful, modern, colorful, and comfortable. Fonts and styles are easy to read. (3) The applying of mobile phones and Internet technology benefit the tourism of the district. The application has clear content and easy to use. The research also finds that tourists can take advantage of the development of geographic information systems (GIS) to find the tourist information of U Thong more quickly. This makes tourists satisfied with the access to tourist information, accommodation and restaurants through mobile phones.
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