A Model of World Buddhist Organizational Networking


  • นายแพทย์พรชัย พิญญพงษ์ บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย
  • พระมหาอดิเดช สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี) คณะพุทธศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


A Model of Networking, World Buddhist Organizational



        This research “A Model of World Buddhist Organizational Networking” has three objectives: (1) to study the concept of Networking in Organization (2) to analyze the Networking of World Buddhist Organizations and (3) to propose a model of World Buddhist Organizational Networking. The results show that the factors of the Networking in Organization comprise of (1) Common Perception (2) Common Vision (3) Mutual interests (4) Stakeholders Participation (5) Complementary Relationship (6) Interdependence (7) Interaction. For the analysis of Networking of World Buddhist Organizations which comprise of World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), International Council for the Day of Vesak (ICDV) which working with International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) and World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB) the results show that all organizations employ a networking model of activities-based and group establishing. All World Buddhist Organizations have many diversified members both organizations and individuals. All networking are active and have headquarter as a hub with precisely assigned manager of the hub. The model of World Buddhist Organizational Networking should comprise of eight factors which are Attitude, Learning, Leadership, Identity, Activities, Nurture, Commitment and Equality or ‘ALLIANCE MODEL’.

        Buddhist organizations can adopt ‘ALLIANCE MODEL’ to extend networks for the propagation of Buddhism to the global level as this model has suitable and highly likely characteristics to contribute to the construction of networks to propagate Buddhism for the benefit of mankind in sustainable study and practice of Dhamma.


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How to Cite

พิญญพงษ์ น., & สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี) พ. (2018). A Model of World Buddhist Organizational Networking. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 17(2), 109–120. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/166779


