Hotel Services Management for Thai Elderly Tourists Staying at PhraNakhonSi Ayutthaya Province
Service management, Elderly touristsAbstract
This research aims to 1) study hotel selection bahavior of Thai elderly tourists staying at PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya province 2) study expectation and satisfaction towards hotel using the service of Thai elderly tourists staying at PhraNakohn Si Ayutthaya province and 3) to propose hotel services management for Thai elderly tourists staying at PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya province. The data collection tool was the questionnaire on requirements of Thai elderly tourists staying at PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya province. The sample in this research was 400 Thai elderly tourists above 55 years old who visited and stayed at PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya province. The questions include general information of the respondents, traveling behaviors of the elderly tourists, factors influencing decision to choose hotels, expectation and satisfaction towards hotels and suggestion. The statistics used in the research were percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation as well as content analysis.
The results showed that the majority of Thai elderly tourists was female, aged between 55-64 years old, and married. Most of the sample are still working and have income from work and also have family burden to take care of the family members. For the traveling behaviors, it showed that the sample take opportunity to travel in order to be with family members in a new environment and has been to PhraNakhon Si Ayutthayaprovince for more than 3 times with their family members by private car and usually stay for 1-3 nights without reservation done by traveling agencies. The expense used for hotel service is between 501-1,000 baht per night. The sample is looking forward to visiting again but is not sure whether to stay at the same hotel. The factor influencing decision to choose hotels in PhraNakhon Si Ayutthayaprovince is that the hotel is close to tourist attractions or community. The popular room types were 1 single bed room with 6 feet of bed size and twin room with 5 feet of bed size. The facilities required in the room included soft enough bed for elderly physical bodies, high enough bed for easy getting up, appropriate room size, wheelchair accessible restroom with sliding door. The facilities outside required by the sample were slope path, stair, and elevator.For expectations of elderly travelers to stay overnight. Thai elderly tourists have the highest expectations for product and services. Second, is the personal, price, physical evidence, place, processand promotion.For Satisfaction with the accommodation of Thai elderly tourists is highest in terms of accommodation and service. Second, is the physical evidence, personal, process, place, promotion and price. This research made the hotel business operators know the benefits and importance of preparing and improving their business to response to customers’ traveling behaviors as well expectation and satisfaction of Thai elderly tourists.
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