Factors Affecting Muslim Tourists’ Willingness to Pay in Non-Muslim Tourism Destinations along the Andaman Coast
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This research aimed to study factors of accommodation, food, tourist attraction, and service quality in tourism destinations and examine the factors affecting Muslim tourists’ spending willingness in the Non-Muslim tourism destinations (Non-MTD) along Thailand’s Andaman Coast by classifying Muslim tourists as two groups according to their domicile. This research was quantitative. The population and sample were Muslim tourists who live in the fourteen southern provinces of Thailand. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 participants using hybrid sampling employing quota and accidental sampling methods through self-collection and online distribution techniques. Descriptive and multiple regression statistics were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that 1) Muslim tourists considered the food factor as the most important factor when travelling in non-Muslim tourism destinations, and 2) factors of tourist attraction, food, and service quality positively influenced the spending willingness of the Muslim tourists’ (MP). Meanwhile, the service quality factor positively affected the spending willingness of Muslim tourists (non-MP). The benefits from this study are that its findings will help enhance tourism management and non-MTD tourism destination development to better accommodate Muslim tourists and increase Muslim tourists' spending willingness.
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