Publication Ethics of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Phanom University

Author Ethical Responsibilities

  1. The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Phanom University must not have been published previously and must not have been submitted the manuscript to other journals.
  2. The manuscript's contents must have met the objectives of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Phanom University.
  3. The manuscripts must not be plagiarized.
  4. Authors must cite other authors’ work if their works have been used in the manuscripts, such as pictures, tables, etc. 
  5. Authors must check the accuracy of the references, both in the format and the contents.
  6. Authors must revise the manuscripts in accordance with the template of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Phanom University.
  7. Authors whose names appear in the article should be actively involved in the research work.
  8. Authors must identify the funding source of this research and/or the conflict of interest must be identified in the manuscripts and notified to the editors.
  9. Authors should not bring the nonreviewed academic article as a reference cited in the text or list in the reference list, and the documents should be cited essentially and appropriately and should not be over-cited.
  10. Authors should ask permission from their supporters before thanking them in the acknowledgement.
  11. Authors must not report any error data in manuscripts in cases of fabrication, counterfeit distortion, manipulation, or choosing to present only the data that conforms to the conclusion.

Editor Roles and Responsibility

  1. Editors are responsible for evaluating the quality of a manuscript for publication in the journal and must not publish a paper which has been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Editors must not disclose any information about authors and reviewers to other parties.
  3. Editors are responsible for evaluating a manuscript with the correct research methodology and providing reliable results by using the research result as an indicator of whether it is suitable to publish or not.
  4. Editors must not have any conflict of interest with authors and reviewers.
  5. Editors must check a paper for any plagiarism of other works intensively.
  6. When editors detect any plagiarism of other works during the evaluation process, they must halt the evaluation process and contact the first author to consider paper acceptance or rejection.
  7. If editors detect any plagiarism of other works or data forgeries, that is suitable to be deprived, but the author refuses to deprive without any acceptance from the authors, which is the right and responsibility of editors toward the manuscript.

Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Reviewers must protect confidentiality and not disclose any information of a paper sent for consideration to uninvolved parties during the evaluation process.
  2. If the reviewers realize that they are in conflict of interest with authors, reviewers ought to report to editors and refuse to evaluate such a paper.
  3. Reviewers must evaluate a paper in their field of specialization, and if any part of the paper is similar or duplicate to other works, reviewers ought to report to editors.