The Potential of Entrepreneurship in Restaurant Businesses and Creating Value for Restaurants in the Urban Community of Bangkok
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The research aims to analyze the potential components of entrepreneurship in restaurant business and value creation for restaurant businesses, and study the influence of restaurant entrepreneurship potential on creating value for restaurants in urban communities in Bangkok. The study is quantitative, a questionnaire was used as a research tool. The research population consisted of restaurant business owners in urban communities of Bangkok who hold licenses or certificates of establishment for food selling in the Bangkok area. The sample group consisted of 430 respondents, selected through multi-stage random sampling. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing through structural equation model (SEM). The research findings revealed that the potential of restaurant entrepreneurship is composed of innovation or creativity, commitment to success, proactive and visionary work, community engagement, customer relationships, collaborative partnerships, and business ethics. The components of creating restaurant value are: clean, safe, and hygienic products and services; fresh, new, and quality raw materials; quality products and services at reasonable prices; products and services that meet customer satisfaction or happiness when eating; and restaurants that make customers feel proud to eat. 2) The potential of restaurant entrepreneurs has a positive influence on creating value for restaurants in Bangkok, significantly at the 0.01 level. Stakeholders can utilize the research results as guidelines to develop the potential of restaurant entrepreneurship and create restaurant value to become key factors in developing the capital of the humans, , the economy, and the society, as well as creating success in the survival of the business sustainably.
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