Factors in the Management of Advertising Media Business Entrepreneurs In the Digital Age
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The objective of this study is to examine the personal characteristics, internal factors, and external factors that impact the management of advertising media businesses in the digital era in order to propose management guidelines for advertising media businesses to succeed in the highly competitive market conditions of the digital era. The study involved in-depth interviews using open-ended questions, lasting approximately 45–60 minutes. Five advertising media business entrepreneurs were selected using purposive sampling. The findings suggest that firstly, entrepreneurs seeking to enter the digital advertising business should have prior knowledge and experience in various advertising aspects because this willenable them to understand the work processes and the advertising industry's market, which will cause them to see opportunities to gain a competitive advantage. Secondly, the study recommends that employees be free to exchage their opinions through various discussions and should have a clear conclusion about job direction. Clear job descriptions and responsibilities should be established for internal management. Work processes should be optimized using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to increase convenience and shorten production time. Thirdly, advertising business entrepreneurs should continuously monitor customer needs through social media to identify and respond to trends in customer demands. Finally, advertising business entrepreneurs should also specialize and set performance standards that differentiate their company to attract customers when presenting work. Additionally, work processes should be streamlined to allow for completion in a single step, known as one-stop service, and organizations should also encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge as well as transfer that knowledge within the company to improve the skills and abilities of their employees.
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