บทบาทของชาวไทยเชื้อสายเวียดนามที่มีต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลง ด้านเศรษฐกิจ สังคมและวัฒนธรรม

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ณรงศักดิ์ คูบุญญอารักษ์
พิสิฏฐ์ บุญไชย
ไพบูลย์ บุญไชย


   This investigation aimed at studying the historical background and role of ethnic Thai-Vietnamese people in effecting changes on the Thai economy, society and culture. The research area was Nong Khai and Ubon Ratchathani Provinces in Northeastern Thailand. The research sample was purposively selected and consisted of sixty individuals. The tools used for data collection were an interview form and a form for recording group discussions. The study began in May 2013 and ended in September 2015. The data was collected from documents and field research, categorized in groups and analyzed using an analytic induction method. The results are presented here as a descriptive analysis.
   The results show as follows: 1) Ethnic Thai-Vietnamese people living in Northeastern Thailand immigrated to Thailand several times and spread in many areas. The main reason is that they were imprisoned as a prisoner of war by force. They voluntarily emigrated as a political and religious refugee. In the past, Vietnamese nationals were not permitted to choose the career due to the Thailand’s Aliens Control Act. Thus, they had no arable land and no educational opportunities. At present, they have their right to own land and have a variety of occupations. From their experience of living with Thai people, Vietnamese migrants are able to run successful businesses and get higher education opportunities. 2) The roles of ethnic Thai-Vietnamese people in effecting changes on the Thai economy, society and culture. The role in economic change can be visible through the establishment of Vietnamese Association for communication and cooperation with Government Agencies, the help and participation in tourism development, the transfer of knowledge about craft skill, the undertaking of local Vietnamese food in the area, and the establishment of better diplomatic relations between Thailand and Vietnam. The role in effecting changes on society shows that ethnic Thai-Vietnamese people have a value of diligence and patience, have helped solve social problems in job creation, and have been a good role model in culture. The role in effecting changes on culture shows that adherence to their religion, traditions, rituals, beliefs and gratitude has contributed to cultivating the value of cultural conservation for Thailand.

Article Details

บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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