Service Area Analysis of Emergency Medical Service Center in Chonburi Province

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chompoonut amchang


The application of logistics to medical services is an important structure in Thailand's economic development plan to distribute medical services to public areas. This research aimed to study the emergency medical service by accessing within 8 minutes and 10 minutes then suggest guidelines for improving emergency medical services in Chonburi province by applying geography information systems (GIS) to analyze emergency service area.

Dijkstra algorithm is used as the main algorithm in network analysis. The results showed that the service area of the emergency medical service in Chonburi within 8 minutes covered 1,230.98 km2 (28.21%) and within 10 minutes covering 2,074.52 km2 (47.55%). The Chonburi hospital has an area of emergency medical service covering more than other institutes.

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How to Cite
amchang, chompoonut. (2021). Service Area Analysis of Emergency Medical Service Center in Chonburi Province . Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 8(1), 39–60. Retrieved from
Research Article


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