Strategies for Human Resource Management of Accommodation Business in the COVID 19 Crisis
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This article aims to propose strategy for human resource management of accommodation business in the COVID 19 crisis. Thai and international research papers both domestic and international are both analyzed and synthesized. The study found that setting human resource strategy for accommodation business in crisis require analyzing external and internal environment, especially, predicting future of external environment situation, precisely. 9 Strategies for managing human resources consist of Man Power Management, Working Time Allocation, Job Allocation, Standard OperationProcedure, Training, Replacement Work, Welfare Management, Remuneration Management and Unemployment
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Jeaheng ํ. (2021). Strategies for Human Resource Management of Accommodation Business in the COVID 19 Crisis. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 8(1), 1–16. retrieved from
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Wu, S. L. (2011). Impact of environmental uncertainty on human resource flexibility. In International Conference on business and economics research (Vol. 1, pp. 277-281). IACSIT Press.
Zhu, C. J., Cooper, B. K., Thomson, S. B., De Cieri, H., & Zhao, S. (2013). Strategic integration of HRM and firm performance in a changing environment in China: the impact of organizational effectiveness as a mediator. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(15), 2985-3001.
กระทรวงท่องเที่ยวและกีฬา (2563). สถิตินักท่องเที่ยว. สืบค้นเมื่อ 28 พฤษภาคม 2563 จาก more_news_new.php?cid=411
นพคุณ ชีวิธนรักษ์. (2563). ภารกิจและวิกฤติที่ทรัพยากรมนุษย์ต้องทบทวนก่อน ถึงประชาคมเศรษฐกิจอาเซียน ปี 2558. วารสารนักบริหาร, 33(4), 64-71.
ปรียนันท์ ประยูรศักดิ์. (2559). แนวทางการพัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์ในธุรกิจที่พักแรมเพื่อก้าวสู่ประชาคม เศรษฐกิจอาเซียน. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 12(2), 143-157.
Al-Refaie, A. (2015). Effects of human resource management on hotel performance using structural equation modeling. Computers in Human Behavior, 43, 293-303.
Ashton, A. S. (2018). How human resources management best practice influence employee satisfaction and job retention in the Thai hotel industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(2), 175-199.
Becker, B., Huselid, M., Pickus, P., & Spratt, M. (1997). HR as a source of shareholder value: Research and recommendations. Human Resource Management, 36, 39–4
Bi, N. Z. (2012). The impact of national factors on personnel management: a cross-national examination of HRM practices in Singapore and Thailand. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(13), 21.
Cetindamar, D. and Kilitcioglu, H. (2013), "Measuring the competitiveness of a firm for an award system", Competitiveness Review, 23(1), 7-22.
Chand, M. and Katou, A.A. (2007), "The impact of HRM practices on organizational performance in the Indian hotel industry", Employee Relations, 29(6), 576-594.
Israeli, A. A., & Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: the Israeli case. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353-372.
Jaussaud, J. (2001). The Japanese model of HRM in crisis. In The Changing Economic Environment in Asia (pp. 152-165). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Katou, A. A., Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H., & Al-Hamadi, A. B. (2011). An integrative framework for understanding cross-national human resource management practices. Human Resource Management Review, 12, 377-403.
Kim, S. S., Chun, H., & Lee, H. (2005). The effects of SARS on the Korean hotel industry and measures to overcome the crisis: A case study of six Korean five-star hotels. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 10(4), 369-377.
Makovec Brenčič, M., Pfajfar, G., & Rašković, M. (2012). Managing in a time of crisis: marketing, HRM and innovation. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27(6), 436–446.
Mitsakis, F. V. (2014). Human Resource Management (HRM), Economic Crisis (EC) and Business Life Cycle (BLC): A Literature Review and Discussion. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 4(1), 189-203.
Nijssen, M., & Paauwe, J. (2012). HRM in turbulent times: how to achieve organizational agility? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(16), 3315–3335.
Peccei, R., & Rosenthal, P. (1997). The antecedents of employee commitment to customer service: evidence from a UK. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8(1), 66-86.
Rowley, C., & Bae, J. (2004). Human Resource Management in South Korea After the Asian Financial Crisis : Emerging Patterns from the Labyrinth. International Studies of Management & Organization, 34(1), 52–82.
Saridakis, G., Lai, Y., & Cooper, C. L. (2017). Exploring the relationship between HRM and firm performance: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Human Resource Management Review, 27(1), 87-96.
Smith, W., & Abdullah, A. (2004). The Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on Human Resource Management in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Business Review, 10(3-4), 402–421.
Storey, J. (Ed.). (2007). Human resource management: A critical text. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Suryani, N. K., Yoga, G. A. D. M., & Sugianingrat, I. A. P. W. (2018). Impact of Human Resources Management Practice On Employee Satisfaction And Customer Satisfaction (Case Study Smes In Bali, Indonesia). International Journal of Sustainability, Education, And Global Creative Economic (Ijsegce), 1(1), 59-62.
Teague, P., & Roche, W. K. (2013). Recessionary bundles: HR practices in the Irish economic crisis. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(2), 176–192.
Wimolmas (2020). HR Trends of New Normal. Retrived May 2, 2020, from
Wu, S. L. (2011). Impact of environmental uncertainty on human resource flexibility. In International Conference on business and economics research (Vol. 1, pp. 277-281). IACSIT Press.
Zhu, C. J., Cooper, B. K., Thomson, S. B., De Cieri, H., & Zhao, S. (2013). Strategic integration of HRM and firm performance in a changing environment in China: the impact of organizational effectiveness as a mediator. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(15), 2985-3001.