Spa Goer Experience Design Through Atmospheric Cues

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เจริญชัย เอกมาไพศาล
พิชชานันท์ ช่องรักษ์


     This article describes the importance and essence of creating an experience through spa customer service. A compelling atmosphere is one of the marketing tools that inflence the attitudes and behavior of spa goers. This article divides into three parts: the fist describes the overall operation of the spa and business in Thailand, the second presents the concept and elements of atmospheric cues, as a marketing tool, which is a fundamental importance in creating a spa experience. The last part summarizes and provides the recommendation for creating experiences for spa patrons by creating the right atmosphere. An essence to running a spa business is to create a remarkable,memorable and valuable experience, so this makes customers feel satisfid. In the competitive environment of today's spa business, creating value experiences is critical to success and a key driver for long - term business growth.

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เอกมาไพศาล เ., & ช่องรักษ์ พ. (2019). Spa Goer Experience Design Through Atmospheric Cues. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(2), 245–266. retrieved from
Academic Article


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