The Moderating Roles of Competitive Intensity and Market Dynamism on the Relationship between the Competitive Advantage and Hotel Performance on Samui Island

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จักรวุฒิ ชอบพิเชียร


This study developed the moderating roles of competitive intensity and market dynamism on the relationship between the competitive advantage and hotel performance under the theoretical framework of environment-strategy-performance relationship. The population of this study in the period between September 2013 and December 2013 was 246 hotels on Koh Samui and 154 executives. The results showed that the competitive intensity does not significantly moderate the relationship between the competitive advantages with hotel performance. On the other hand, the results showed that the market dynamism significantly moderates the relationship between the competitive advantages with hotel performance, except environmental performance. In addition, the type of the moderating roles of the market dynamism was quasi moderator.

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How to Cite
ชอบพิเชียร จ. (2019). The Moderating Roles of Competitive Intensity and Market Dynamism on the Relationship between the Competitive Advantage and Hotel Performance on Samui Island. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(2), 283–304. retrieved from
Research Article


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