Tourism Economics Growth and Income Distribution in Pha Ngan Island

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ปทิดา โมราศิลป์
วีระศักดิ์ คงฤทธิ์
อภิวัฒน์ อายุสุข


The aims of this study were to: (i) investigate the economic situation of Pha Ngan Island,Surat Thani Province, data using from Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce in 2016 and; (ii) explore the income distribution of Pha Ngan community. The sample size was 343 households selected by applying Gini factor and Pseudo Gini with sample survey data. The results found that Pha Ngan Island had economic growth through tourism sector (53.77% per year) by transforming the economic structure from agriculture to tourism in this recent economy. Though tourism growth had increased individual income, the income distribution is still unequal (Gini coefficient is 0.503). The cause of income inequality is most tourism income is distributed to people in travel business, private business and commerce, not to people in agriculture and employee.

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โมราศิลป์ ป., คงฤทธิ์ ว., & อายุสุข อ. (2019). Tourism Economics Growth and Income Distribution in Pha Ngan Island. Journal of Management Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 6(2), 329–348. retrieved from
Research Article


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